
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Collection of Jars in One place

From the below URL we can find the collection of Java related jars in one place.

Highlights of NetBeans 6.1

Highlights of NetBeans 6.1 include:

* JavaScript support such as semantic highlighting, code completion, type analysis, quick fixes, semantic checks and refactoring;

* Performance enhancements including faster startup and code completion;

* Spring framework support with features such as configuration file support, code completion and hyperlinks to speed navigation;

* New MySQL support in the Database Explorer to make it easier to create, launch and view MySQL databases;

* Significant enhancements to the Ruby/JRuby support, including a new Ruby platform manager, support for the latest version of Rails and new hints and quick fixes in the editor;

* Beta support for the ClearCase version control system - made available as a plugin from the Update Center.

download from -->
