Introduction Axis is a web service engine. It is the third generation of apache soap. This artical will gives you the brief introduction on SOAP. Then it will introduce you to Apache Axis 1.4. Then we will also tell about the diffrent styles of webservices in brief. The article will conclude by giving a sample application, explaining how to deploy webservice in axis? How to call the deployed webservice? Pre-Requesties
Other servlet engines are supported, provided they implement version 2.2 or greater of the servlet API.
Things to know before diving into Web Service
server. Should also have knowledge on servlets.
Software used in this artical
SOAP SOAP is an XML-based communication protocol and encoding format for inter-application communication. The current spec is version, SOAP 1.2, though version1.1 is more widespread. SOAP is the backbone of Web Services. Below shown is the sample SOAP request message.
Web Service Web service is a new generation cross-platform, cross-language distributed computing applications. Apache AxisAxis is a SOAP engine. It is a SOAP processer framework. The current version of Axis if written fully in Java. Axis has full support for the Web Service Description Language(WSDL). It has tools to generate java code (Client stubs) from WSDL as well as generate WSDL automatically from java code. Axis also has a simple stand alone server. It also has a server which plugs in to other servlet engins, like Tomcat. Axis also has a monitoring tool to monitor TCP/IP packets. Please note that this is an open-source effort. And in case you're wondering what Axis stands for, it's Apache EXtensible Interaction System - a fancy way of implying it's a very configurable SOAP engine. Axis is compiled in the JAR file axis.jar; it implements the JAX-RPC API declared in the JAR files jaxrpc.jar and saaj.jar. It needs various helper libraries, for logging, WSDL processing and introspection. All these files can be packaged into a web application, axis.war, that can be dropped into a servlet container. Diffrent Style of Web Services in AxisThere are four style of web services axis supports. They are:
we will take about these services after we see how to write deployment descriptor's to deploy a service Installing Axis
run on 8080 if you are using some other application servers please see the reference document on deploying web application in the server you are using)
if appropriate.
axis/WEB-INF/lib to CATALINA_HOME/common/lib and restart Tomcat.
Validating the Installation
page. If you are not able to see the page then probably your web application is not deployed properly.
and this is causing version confusion. Eliminate the extra parsers, restart the app server and try again.
which will list all the deployed web services. On this page, You should be able to click on (wsdl) for each deployed Web service to make sure that your web service is up and running. Deploying new Web ServicesNew Web services installation process
run the Axis SOAP client to talk to the Axis adminstration service, which is a SOAP service in its own right. It's also a special SOAP service. Implementing the process Prepare a batch file which will set all the axis related jar files to the classpath.
First we will write a simple java code like below
Compile the code and make a jar file. Here we created the jar file by name myApp.jar which contains the above code. Once myApp.jar is created, drop the jar inside axisWEB-INFlib folder in inside your application server. Now it is time to write a deployment descriptor file to deploy our service in axis. Web Service Deployment descriptor is nothing but a xml file with .wsdd extention. You can find a sample deployment descriptor below, which is used to deploy our example service HappyAxis packed into myApp.jar library.
The service element has a name attribute which will contain the service name you want to expose. provider attribute will contain the provider used for the service. here we are using the java:RPC provider. Insted of provider attribute we can also use style attribute where we can define the style of webservice like document or messaging style. Our service name we defined here is "MyService". service element has two child element named parameter. The first parameter element's name attribute will hold the value className and the value attribute will contain the exact class name including the package. Here our value is "myapp.HappyAxis". In the next parameter tag you can specify all the methods you like to expose in that class. If you want to expose all the methods in the class specify * in the value attribute. If you want to specify only one method or couple of methods, then specify the method name seperated by space. Save the above deployment descriptor as deploy.wsdd. Run the bath file which we prepared earlier to set classpath. Execute the following command from the directory where you have saved the deploy.wsdd. If you are not in this directory you will get a " deploy.wsdd (The system cannot find the file specified)" exception
If you get some java client error (like ClassNotFoundException), then you haven't set up your CLASSPATH variable right, mistyped the classname, or did some other standard error. Tracking down such problems are foundational Java development skills--if you don't know how to do these things, learn them now! If you don't get any error then that means you have successfully deployed your web service. Now visit the Apache-Axis start page and navigate to the web service listing page. Here you can see your service getting displayed. Just click on the WSDL link, Axis will automaticly generate WSDL for your deployed service. Now we will see the styles of webservices possible in Axis As we have already seen there are four types of webservices supported in Axis. They are RPC(1), Document(2), Wrapped(3) and Message(4) RPC services RPC services are the default in Axis. They are what you get when you deploy services with <service ... provider="java:RPC"> or <service ... style="RPC">. RPC services follow the SOAP RPC and encoding rules. Axis will deserialize XML into Java objects which can be fed to your service, and will serialize the returned Java object(s) from your service back into XML. Since RPC services default to the soap section 5 encoding rules, objects will be encoded via "multi-ref" serialization, which allows object graphs to be encoded. Document / Wrapped service Document and Wrapped services are similar, both use SOAP encoding for data.(means its plain xml schema). Axis binds java objects for the xml schema here. so in the end you will end up using java objects. You will not use the xml directly here. The document or wrapped style is indicated in WSDD as follows: Message service Message service should be used when you want Axis to step back and let your code at the actual XML instead of turning it into Java objects. There are four valid signatures for your message-style service methods: Consuming the deployed Web ServicesBasic simple way to consume a Web ServiceFirst we will see the basic way of calling a web service with out generating stubs from WSDL The code below is used to call our deployed web service "MyService"
The program can be run as follows
Consume a Web Service by creating stubs from WSDLBefore getting into creating stubs, we will have a quick look at what is WSDL? The Web Service Description Language is a specification authored by IBM and Microsoft, and supported by many other organizations. WSDL serves to describe Web Services in a structured way. A WSDL description of a service tells us, in a machine-understandable way, the interface to the service, the data types it uses, and where the service is located. Axis supports WSDL in three ways:
With this information, Now we will see how to build stubs from WSDL to call our deployed web service Client-side binding Axis provides WSDL-to-Java tool in org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java. The basic invocation looks like this:
This command will generate the java stubs with those bindings necessary for the client. Axis follows JAX-RPC specification when generating the client binding from WSDL description. For our client stub generation, First we will save the wsdl to a perticular location. Then we will invoke the following command as this: Once this invocation happens, then we can see the stubs getting generated in the same directory from where we invocked the command. Now we are ready to go. Just compile the stubs and write a CLI (Command Line Interface) which will make use of the generated stub and calls the web service. ConclusionSo we came across Axis webservices by touching on some of the features of axis. We do came across a sample webservice wich uses RPC style. We also saw how to generate the stubs and call the web service. Here I whould say we just had a dip in to the sea of webservice by just going through a sample application deployment in axis. There are lot to learn about it. Please dive deep in to the sea called webservice for the treasure of knowledge about it. Happy Axis.. :) |
Friday, September 21, 2007
Happy Axis
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Object Type - Class
In Java we have a class called Class. Type Class is in the package java.lang
What is Class and class? (Please note the second one is with a small 'c')
The one with small 'c' ie., class is a keyword used to declare Java classes.
The one with upper case 'C' is a Type inside java.lang package.
Type Class describes other objects. Class does not have a constructor.
It helps a Java program to get information about other Java objects.
The Class class provides the basis for Java Reflection and Introspection.
If it is not having a constructor, then how to obtain the object of type Class?
What is Class and class? (Please note the second one is with a small 'c')
The one with small 'c' ie., class is a keyword used to declare Java classes.
The one with upper case 'C' is a Type inside java.lang package.
Type Class describes other objects. Class does not have a constructor.
It helps a Java program to get information about other Java objects.
The Class class provides the basis for Java Reflection and Introspection.
If it is not having a constructor, then how to obtain the object of type Class?
The method getClass() is defined in the Java Object class.
An object of type Class can be obtained by calling the getClass() method on a particular Java object.
The following code will give us the object of type Class for Object objClass objClass = obj.getClass();
The Class class offers several useful methods like below://is used to return class constructors
public Constructor[] getConstructors()
//is used to
return class methods
public Method[] getMethods()
//is used to return class fields
public Field[] getFields()
//is used to return the superclass
public Class getSuperClass()
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
NetBeans 6.0 Keyboard Shortcuts
Finding, Searching, and Replacing
Ctrl-F3 Search word at insert point
F3/Shift-F3 Find next/previous in file
Ctrl-F/H Find/Replace in file
Alt-F7 Find usages
Ctrl-Shift-P Find/replace in projects
Alt-Shift-U Find usages results
Alt-Shift-H Turn off search result
Alt-Left Next in jump list
Alt-Right Previous in jump list
Ctrl-R Rename
Ctrl-U, then U Convert selection to
Ctrl-U, then L Convert selection to
Ctrl-U, then S Toggle case of selection
Alt-Shift-V Paste formatted
Navigating through Source Code
Ctrl-O/Alt-Shift-O Go to type/file
Ctrl-Shift-T Go to JUnit test
Alt-O Go to source
Ctrl-B Go to declaration
Ctrl-G Go to line
Ctrl-Shift-M Toggle add/remove
Ctrl-Shift-Next/previous bookmark
Period/Comma usage/compile error
Ctrl-Shift-1/2/3 Select in
Ctrl-[ Move caret to matching
Ctrl-K/Ctrl-Shift KNext/previous word match
Coding in Java
Alt-Insert Generate code
Ctrl-Shift-I Fix all class imports
Alt-Shift-I Fix selected class's import
Alt-Shift-F Reformat selection
Alt-Shift-Shift tab to the left/right
Ctrl-/ Add/remove comment lines
Ctrl/Alt-F12 Inspect members/hierarchy
Ctrl-E Delete current line
Compiling, Testing, and Running
F9 Compile package/ file
F11 Build main project
Shift-F11 Clean & build main project
Ctrl-Q Set request parameters
Ctrl-Shift-U Create JUnit test
Ctrl-F6/Alt-F6 Run JUnit test on file/project
F6/Shift-F6 Run main project/file
Opening and Toggling betweenViews
Ctrl-Tab (Ctrl-`) Toggle between open
Shift-Escape Maximize window (toggle)
Ctrl-F4/Ctrl-W Close currently selected
Ctrl-Shift-F4 Close all windows
Shift-F10 Open contextual menu
Alt-Shift-D Undock window
Ctrl-F5 Start debugging main project
Ctrl-Shift-F5 Start debugging current file
Ctrl-Shift-F6 Start debugging test for file
Shift-F5/F5 Stop/Continue debugging
F4 Run to cursor location in file
F7/F8 Step into/over
Ctrl-F7 Step out
Ctrl-Alt-Up Go to called method
Ctrl-Alt-Down Go to calling method
Ctrl-F9 Evaluate expression
Ctrl-F8 Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl-Shift-F8 New breakpoint
Ctrl-Shift-F7 New watch
When typing in the Source Editor, you can generate the
text in the right-column of the following list by typing
the abbreviation that is listed in the left-column and
then pressing Tab.
Java Editor Code Templates
Ob Object
Psf public static final
public static final boolean
public static final int
public static final String
ab abstract
bo boolean
br break
ca catch (
cl class
cn continue
df default:
do {
} while (condition);
ex extends
fa false
fi final
fl float
forc for (Iterator it = collection.iterator();
it.hasNext();) {
Object elem = (Object);
fore for (Object elem : iterable) {
fori for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
ifelse if (condition){}else {
im implements
iof instanceof
Object name = new Object(args);
pr private
psf private static final
psfb private static final boolean
psfi private static final int
psfs private static final String
pst printStackTrace();
public static void main(String[] args){
pu public
re return
serr System.err.println ("|");
sout System.out.println ("|");
st static
sw switch (
sy synchronized
tds Thread.dumpStack();
th throws
trycatch try {}
catch (Exception e) {}
tw throw
twn throw new
wh while (
whilei while (it.hasNext()) {
Object elem = (Object);
Ctrl-F3 Search word at insert point
F3/Shift-F3 Find next/previous in file
Ctrl-F/H Find/Replace in file
Alt-F7 Find usages
Ctrl-Shift-P Find/replace in projects
Alt-Shift-U Find usages results
Alt-Shift-H Turn off search result
Alt-Left Next in jump list
Alt-Right Previous in jump list
Ctrl-R Rename
Ctrl-U, then U Convert selection to
Ctrl-U, then L Convert selection to
Ctrl-U, then S Toggle case of selection
Alt-Shift-V Paste formatted
Navigating through Source Code
Ctrl-O/Alt-Shift-O Go to type/file
Ctrl-Shift-T Go to JUnit test
Alt-O Go to source
Ctrl-B Go to declaration
Ctrl-G Go to line
Ctrl-Shift-M Toggle add/remove
Ctrl-Shift-Next/previous bookmark
Period/Comma usage/compile error
Ctrl-Shift-1/2/3 Select in
Ctrl-[ Move caret to matching
Ctrl-K/Ctrl-Shift KNext/previous word match
Coding in Java
Alt-Insert Generate code
Ctrl-Shift-I Fix all class imports
Alt-Shift-I Fix selected class's import
Alt-Shift-F Reformat selection
Alt-Shift-Shift tab to the left/right
Ctrl-/ Add/remove comment lines
Ctrl/Alt-F12 Inspect members/hierarchy
Ctrl-E Delete current line
Compiling, Testing, and Running
F9 Compile package/ file
F11 Build main project
Shift-F11 Clean & build main project
Ctrl-Q Set request parameters
Ctrl-Shift-U Create JUnit test
Ctrl-F6/Alt-F6 Run JUnit test on file/project
F6/Shift-F6 Run main project/file
Opening and Toggling betweenViews
Ctrl-Tab (Ctrl-`) Toggle between open
Shift-Escape Maximize window (toggle)
Ctrl-F4/Ctrl-W Close currently selected
Ctrl-Shift-F4 Close all windows
Shift-F10 Open contextual menu
Alt-Shift-D Undock window
Ctrl-F5 Start debugging main project
Ctrl-Shift-F5 Start debugging current file
Ctrl-Shift-F6 Start debugging test for file
Shift-F5/F5 Stop/Continue debugging
F4 Run to cursor location in file
F7/F8 Step into/over
Ctrl-F7 Step out
Ctrl-Alt-Up Go to called method
Ctrl-Alt-Down Go to calling method
Ctrl-F9 Evaluate expression
Ctrl-F8 Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl-Shift-F8 New breakpoint
Ctrl-Shift-F7 New watch
When typing in the Source Editor, you can generate the
text in the right-column of the following list by typing
the abbreviation that is listed in the left-column and
then pressing Tab.
Java Editor Code Templates
Ob Object
Psf public static final
public static final boolean
public static final int
public static final String
ab abstract
bo boolean
br break
ca catch (
cl class
cn continue
df default:
do {
} while (condition);
ex extends
fa false
fi final
fl float
forc for (Iterator it = collection.iterator();
it.hasNext();) {
Object elem = (Object);
fore for (Object elem : iterable) {
fori for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
ifelse if (condition){}else {
im implements
iof instanceof
Object name = new Object(args);
pr private
psf private static final
psfb private static final boolean
psfi private static final int
psfs private static final String
pst printStackTrace();
public static void main(String[] args){
pu public
re return
serr System.err.println ("|");
sout System.out.println ("|");
st static
sw switch (
sy synchronized
tds Thread.dumpStack();
th throws
trycatch try {}
catch (Exception e) {}
tw throw
twn throw new
wh while (
whilei while (it.hasNext()) {
Object elem = (Object);
Java 5 new features
Several useful features were introduced in Java 5.
The compiler is also updated and all translate to already defined Java bytecode,
meaning that virtual machines can execute these features with no need for an update.
These features make writing Java code easier, cleaner, and faster.
Even if you choose not to take advantage of these features, familiarity with them is vital.
The new features of Java5 are listed below:
Generics: A way to make classes type-safe. this helps us in narrowing an instance
of a collection to hold a specific object type and eliminating the need to cast
objects when taking an object out of the collection.
Enhanced for loop: Less error-prone and cleaner for loop for use with iterators.
Variable arguments: For passing an arbitrary number of parameters to a method.
Boxing/unboxing: Support for automatic conversion between primitive types and their
reference types.
Type-safe enumerations: Clean syntax for defining and using enumerations, supported
at the language level.
Static import: Ability to access static members from a class without need to qualify
them with a class name.
Metadata: Coupled with new tools developed by third-party companies, saves developers the
effort of writing boilerplate code by automatically generating the code.
The compiler is also updated and all translate to already defined Java bytecode,
meaning that virtual machines can execute these features with no need for an update.
These features make writing Java code easier, cleaner, and faster.
Even if you choose not to take advantage of these features, familiarity with them is vital.
The new features of Java5 are listed below:
Generics: A way to make classes type-safe. this helps us in narrowing an instance
of a collection to hold a specific object type and eliminating the need to cast
objects when taking an object out of the collection.
Enhanced for loop: Less error-prone and cleaner for loop for use with iterators.
Variable arguments: For passing an arbitrary number of parameters to a method.
Boxing/unboxing: Support for automatic conversion between primitive types and their
reference types.
Type-safe enumerations: Clean syntax for defining and using enumerations, supported
at the language level.
Static import: Ability to access static members from a class without need to qualify
them with a class name.
Metadata: Coupled with new tools developed by third-party companies, saves developers the
effort of writing boilerplate code by automatically generating the code.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
NetBeans IDE 6.0
NetBeans IDE 6.0
The NetBeans IDE is a modular, standards-based, integrated development environment (IDE) written in the Java programming language. The NetBeans project consists of an open source IDE and an application platform, which can be used as a generic framework to build any kind of application.
for more information:
Working with Netbeans and ubuntu
1) Download JDK example: jdk1.6.0-beta2.bin into your home folder.
2) In terminal run : ./jdk1.6.0-beta2.bin
(make sure to chmod +x so that it can actually run)
result : you will get a folder in home such as jdk1.6.0/
3) In terminal run : sudo mv jdk1.6.0 /opt
result : you just moved jdk1.6.0 into /opt folder.
So now /opt/jdk1.6.0 is the location of the jdk.
4) In terminal run : sudo rm /usr/bin/java
result: remove any link that is in your system path for java.
So you can replace it with the jdk in /opt
5) In terminal run : sudo ln -s /opt/jdk1.6.0/jre/bin/java /usr/bin
result : made a link to your new jdk.
So that it is easy to be found by other programs
6) Dowload the latest snapshot of netbeans ex. nebeans 6.0
7) In terminal run : ./nebeans6.0-xxxx.bin
result : netbeans installer will find you jdk and will use it
for installation of the IDE.
At the end of installation you should have an icon on your desktop
for nebeans that uses java JDK that you placed in your /opt/jdk1.6.0 folder.
In netbeans folder structure you can find a file ~/netbeans6/etc/netbeans.conf
in there you can also point to a jdk of your choosing
like this : netbeans_jdkhome="/opt/jdk1.6.0"
Installing Java on Ubuntu
Update the apt repository with the following lines.
deb dapper main restricted
deb dapper universe multiverse
After this have apt updates its repository
Run the following command
sudo apt-get update
Once the above command is run. Its time to install java.
Run the following command to install java.
sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk
Installing MySQL on Ubuntu
It is very very easy to install mysql-server on ubuntu. All you have to do is run the following command.
To install
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
To run
mysql -u root -p -h localhost
To install
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
To run
mysql -u root -p -h localhost
Monday, September 17, 2007
Client Interaction -- Tips
1. Do not write "the same" in an email - it makes little sense to them.
Example - I will try to organize the project artifacts and inform you of the same when it is done.
This is somewhat an Indian construct. It is better written simply as:
I will try to organize the project artifacts and inform you when that is done
2. Do not write or say, "I have some doubts on this issue"
The term "Doubt" is used in the sense of doubting someone - we use this term because in Indian languages, the word for a "doubt"
and a "question" is the same.
The correct usage (for clients) is:
I have a few questions on this issue
3. The term "regard" is not used much in American English. They usually do not say "regarding this issue" or "with regard to this".
Simply use, "about this issue".
4. Do not say "Pardon" when you want someone to repeat what they said. The word "Pardon" is unusual for them and is somewhat
formal. You can say, ‘Please come again or could y ou please repeat.’
5. Americans do not understand most of the Indian accent immediately - They only understand 75% of what we speak and then interpret the rest. Therefore try not to use shortcut terms such as "Can't" or "Don't". Use the expanded "Cannot" or "Do not".
6. Do not use the term "screwed up" liberally. If a situation is not good, it is better to say, "The situation is messed up". Do not use words such as "shucks", or "pissed off".
7. As a general matter of form, Indians interrupt each other constantly in meetings - DO NOT interrupt a client when they are speaking.
Over the phone, there could be delays - but wait for a short time before responding.
8. When explaining some complex issue, stop occasionally and ask "Does that make sense?".
This is preferrable than "Do you understand me?"
9. In email communications, use proper punctuation. To explain something, without breaking your flow, use semicolons, hyphens or
paranthesis. As an example:
You have entered a ne w bug (the popup not showing up) in the defect tracking system; we could not reproduce it - although,
a screenshot would help.
Notice that a reference to the actual bug is added in paranthesis so that the sentence flow is not broken. Break a long sentence
using such punctuation.
10. In American English, a mail is a posted letter. An email is electronic mail.
When you say "I mailed the information to you", it means you sent an actual letter or package through the postal system.
The correct usage is: "I emailed the information to you"
11. To "prepone" an appointment is an Indian usage. There is no actual word called prepone. You can "advance" an appointment.
12. In the term "N-tier Architecture" or "3-tier Architecture", the word "tier" is NOT pronounced as "Tire". I have seen many people pronounce it this way. The correct pronunciation is "tea-yar". The "ti" is pronounced as "tea".
13. The usages "September End", "Month End", "Day End" are not understood we ll by Americans. They use these as "End of September",
"End of Month" or "End of Day".
14. Americans have weird conventions for time - when they say the time is "Quarter Of One", they mean the time is 1:15. Better to ask them the exact time.
15. Indians commonly use the terms "Today Evening", "Today Night". These are not correct; "Today" means "This Day" where the Day stands
for Daytime. Therefore "Today Night" is confusing. The correct usages are: "This Evening", "Tonight".
That applies for "Yesterday Night" and "Yesterday Evening". The correct usages are: "Last Night" and "Last Evening".
16. When Americans want to know the time, it is usual for them to say, "Do you have the time?". Which makes no sense to an indian.
17. There is no word called "Updation". You update somebody. You wait for updates to happen to the database. Avoid saying "Updation".
18. When you talk with someone for the first time, refer to them as they refer to you - in America, the first conversation usually starts by
using the first name. Therefore you can use the first name of a client. Do not say "Sir". Do not call women "Madam".
19. It is usual convention in initial emails (particularly technical) to expand abbreviations, this way:
We are planning to use the Java API for Registry (JAXR).
After mentioning the expanded form once, subsequently you can use the abbreviation.
20. Make sure you always have a subject in your emails and that the subject is relevant.
Do not use a subject line such as HI.
21. Avoid using "Back" instead of "Back" Use "ago". Back is the worst word for American. (for Days use "Ago", for hours use "before")
22. Avoid using "but" instead of "But" Use "However".
23. Avoid using "Yesterday" hereafter use "Last day".
24. Avoid using "Tomorrow" hereafter use "Next day".
Example - I will try to organize the project artifacts and inform you of the same when it is done.
This is somewhat an Indian construct. It is better written simply as:
I will try to organize the project artifacts and inform you when that is done
2. Do not write or say, "I have some doubts on this issue"
The term "Doubt" is used in the sense of doubting someone - we use this term because in Indian languages, the word for a "doubt"
and a "question" is the same.
The correct usage (for clients) is:
I have a few questions on this issue
3. The term "regard" is not used much in American English. They usually do not say "regarding this issue" or "with regard to this".
Simply use, "about this issue".
4. Do not say "Pardon" when you want someone to repeat what they said. The word "Pardon" is unusual for them and is somewhat
formal. You can say, ‘Please come again or could y ou please repeat.’
5. Americans do not understand most of the Indian accent immediately - They only understand 75% of what we speak and then interpret the rest. Therefore try not to use shortcut terms such as "Can't" or "Don't". Use the expanded "Cannot" or "Do not".
6. Do not use the term "screwed up" liberally. If a situation is not good, it is better to say, "The situation is messed up". Do not use words such as "shucks", or "pissed off".
7. As a general matter of form, Indians interrupt each other constantly in meetings - DO NOT interrupt a client when they are speaking.
Over the phone, there could be delays - but wait for a short time before responding.
8. When explaining some complex issue, stop occasionally and ask "Does that make sense?".
This is preferrable than "Do you understand me?"
9. In email communications, use proper punctuation. To explain something, without breaking your flow, use semicolons, hyphens or
paranthesis. As an example:
You have entered a ne w bug (the popup not showing up) in the defect tracking system; we could not reproduce it - although,
a screenshot would help.
Notice that a reference to the actual bug is added in paranthesis so that the sentence flow is not broken. Break a long sentence
using such punctuation.
10. In American English, a mail is a posted letter. An email is electronic mail.
When you say "I mailed the information to you", it means you sent an actual letter or package through the postal system.
The correct usage is: "I emailed the information to you"
11. To "prepone" an appointment is an Indian usage. There is no actual word called prepone. You can "advance" an appointment.
12. In the term "N-tier Architecture" or "3-tier Architecture"
13. The usages "September End", "Month End", "Day End" are not understood we ll by Americans. They use these as "End of September",
"End of Month" or "End of Day".
14. Americans have weird conventions for time - when they say the time is "Quarter Of One", they mean the time is 1:15. Better to ask them the exact time.
15. Indians commonly use the terms "Today Evening", "Today Night". These are not correct; "Today" means "This Day" where the Day stands
for Daytime. Therefore "Today Night" is confusing. The correct usages are: "This Evening", "Tonight".
That applies for "Yesterday Night" and "Yesterday Evening". The correct usages are: "Last Night" and "Last Evening".
16. When Americans want to know the time, it is usual for them to say, "Do you have the time?". Which makes no sense to an indian.
17. There is no word called "Updation". You update somebody. You wait for updates to happen to the database. Avoid saying "Updation".
18. When you talk with someone for the first time, refer to them as they refer to you - in America, the first conversation usually starts by
using the first name. Therefore you can use the first name of a client. Do not say "Sir". Do not call women "Madam".
19. It is usual convention in initial emails (particularly technical) to expand abbreviations, this way:
We are planning to use the Java API for Registry (JAXR).
After mentioning the expanded form once, subsequently you can use the abbreviation.
20. Make sure you always have a subject in your emails and that the subject is relevant.
Do not use a subject line such as HI.
21. Avoid using "Back" instead of "Back" Use "ago". Back is the worst word for American. (for Days use "Ago", for hours use "before")
22. Avoid using "but" instead of "But" Use "However".
23. Avoid using "Yesterday" hereafter use "Last day".
24. Avoid using "Tomorrow" hereafter use "Next day".
Sunday, September 16, 2007
UDDI Clients and Servers
UDDI clients
uddi4j: UDDI for Java
UDDI.NET SDK: UDDI for Microsoft .NET
uddi4r: UDDI for Ruby
uddi4py: UDDI for Python
UDDI::Lite: UDDI for Perl
UDDI servers
Apache jUDDI: Open-Source UDDI Server
BEA Aqualogic Service Registry
Novell nSure UDDI Server: Open-Source UDDI Server
Microsoft Enterprise UDDI Server: Part of Windows 2003 Server
Systinet Registry
Oracle Service Registry
Software AG CentraSite
SAP Enterprise SOA PI7.1
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